TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR the USE OF THE WEB SITE: Before using this website users are invited to read the Terms and conditions for use (from now on: TERMS), With the use of the website www.navla.it (from now on: website) and all comprised material: information, services, products, and other, accepted and you are bound to the TERMS under brought back here. In case you are in discord with such TERMS we pray you not to use this website in any part. The use of website will be considered like an acceptance of all the conditions exposed in this document. Terms of use in general terms: The TERMS of use represent a contract between the user and the author of the website Andreino Barezzani (from now on: AB) that has the right to modify, to insert, or to eliminate part of the present document at his own discretion, anytime and without prior notice. It will be therefore responsibility of the user to control eventual changes. The violation of one of the terms of use involves the prohibition to use the website. The customer has the right to use the web site only for personal scopes and is engaged with AB not to use the website for any illicit scope or pourposes discordant from the here present Terms of use. The user, moreover, agrees to do not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, grant in licence, transfer or to sell contents, products or services, without specific authorization from AB. It is expressively made prohibition to copy or to diffuse logo, diagram, audio or images, without authorization. Comments from users about services and products on the website provide to AB the right to use such comments and suggestions without some limitation, and remains to his discretion the publication or the removal of the received material. AB reservs himself the right to modify the content of the website without prior notice. Links to other websites: This website could contain links to other websites, not directly controlled by AB, therefore every responsibility is declined about their contents and use. The user is responsible to take vision of privacy policies and rules. Relationships with other users: It is strictly prohibited the use of the containes products, information, images, services of the website, in order: to discredit, to annoy and to violate the rights of third parties or in general terms cause damages to third parties. Exclusion of responsibility: the information, the services, the products, the information and images, present material on the website, can be incomplete, not correct or can contain typographical errors. AB exercises the right to modify them or to eliminate them to its exclusive discretion. The access and use of the website is at own risk of the user, AB under no circumstances could be considered responsible for possible caused damages to anyone for the use it of website. The information, the products, the services and the materials, is provided "as is" therefore they are without guarantee of any type. AB is not responsible for eventual directed, indirect damages caused from the use of the website. The user agrees to consider AB not responsible for any claim, loss, or costs caused from the violation of part of TERMS and moreover of the rights of thirds party (example: rights on the privacy). Restriction to access: AB has the right to deny, to interrupt, to his discretion, the access to the website without prior notice.